Thursday, December 6, 2007

Science Learning Environments : Assessment, Effects and Determinants

Science Learning Environments : Assessment, Effects and Determinants - Barry J. Fraser

Why Use Short Forms Of Instruments - less scales and less items (about 25)
(a) less time to administer and score
(b) easy hand scoring
(c) adequately reliable for applications that require the class means

Perceptions of the whole class (average result) can be different from the individual's perception.

Stages In Improving Classroom Environments
(a) Assessment - Pupils' reponse to instrument
(b) Feedback to teacher on pupils' responses
(c) Reflection and Discussion by teachers
(d) Intevention
(e) Reassessment - to see if interventions brought any improvements

Additional Uses Of Instruments (add on to list in previous reading)
(a) Teacher education
(b) Teacher assessment

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