Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Classroom envt research : Progress & possibilities

Classroom environment research : Progress and possibilities - Jeffrey Dorman

Without consideraton of the crucial role of the psychosocial environment of classrooms, educational productivity cannot be optimised.

Historical perspective
Thomas - recorded explict classroom phenomena
Levin - huamn beh is a function of th perons and the environment
Murray - needs important determinants of beh within a person
- press of an object is what it can do to the subject - power to affect the well being of the subject
Pace - defined envt - overall atm, characteristics, kind of things that are rewarded, encouraged, emphasised, style of life which is valied by community and is most visibly expressed and felt
Stern -degree of person-envt congruence is related to student outcomes (the degree to which a pupil's needs is met will affect his beh)
Fraser - congruence between actual and preferred envts is assessed and related to student
- development and validation of instruments to assess specific dimensions of the
classroom envts
Moos - three dimesions of human envt : R, P and S
Walberg - student perceptual data (collected by questionnaire) to determine if changes in teaching and learning affected the classroom climate - student judgements about classroom is a good indicator

Quantitative - trained observers to code event (alpha press)
- student/teacher perceptions throught questonnaire (beta press)
Qualitative - ethnographic data collection methods

Previous Learning Envtal Research
(a) Development and validation of instruments - 9 genreal types
- several specific types for particular settings
(b) Effect on classroom envt of antecedent variables
(c) Use of envtal assessments in teacher education

Current Directions For Classroom Envt Research
(a) Multimedia learning envts
(b) Instrument development
(c) Introducing the study of learning envts in other countries

Future Directions For Classroom Envt Research

(a) Provide more comprehensive evaluation of classrooms and school learning envts - include physical envt esp with the introduction of new technologies for a "smart nation" and "knowledge nation".

(b) Linking classroom envt with other learning envts (eg. home, out of school peer group, part time work) to get a more comprehensive understanding of student outcomes

(c) Embed classroom envt needs in large, comprehensive research projects

(d) More robust methods of data analysis

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